Tuesday, October 23, 2012

First Week Observations of a Microaquarium

The observations on October 23, 2012 were much more interesting than the previous week.  Within the aquarium was observed three rodifers, one spyrogyra, and multiple tachysoma.  The water mite was especially active and avoided the light of the microscope.  The rotifera were perhaps the most interesting of the single celled organisms within the aquarium as it appeared that they were slowly chewing away at the leaves of both plants within.  The tachysoma had the appearance of small worms that seemed to be burrowing through the plant leaves.

Building of a Microaquarium

The water used in this project came from container 12.  This water was collected from the water pool below Fountain City Park, west of Broadway at Hotel Avenue in Knoxville, Tn, Knox Co.  This is a spring fed pond with full shade exposure.  The latitude and longitude of the pool is N 36'02.235" W 83'55.986" at 990 ft above sea level.  The plants that were added are Amblestegium and Utricularia gibba. The water and plants were placed within a 2" x 4" plastic micro aquarium, thus allowing us to observe the activity within the container.  First observations there was very little activity within the container.  A single water mite was able to be identified within the aquarium.  No other microscopic organisms were observed during this viewing.


Patterson, D.J. 1996 Free Living Freshwater Protozoa Washington D.C. Manson Publishing

Pennak, Robert W. 1989 Fresh Water Invertebrates of the United States: Protozoa to Mollusca 3rd Edition.            John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  New York(NY)